Give a friend the link for our free gym pass so they can see what SKPT is all about

Every new person who comes to SKPT says they were nervous, anxious or scared about starting.

It’s okay to be scared – doesn’t mean you shouldn’t push through it.


We don’t hide the fact that we train HARD!


We’re all about fierce goals, fiercer attitudes and a squad of dependable friends that help as you work towards achieving your mind, body and fitness goals!


So, EVERY week, 52 weeks a year, we offer our ‘FREE GYM PASS’.


If you’ve never tried SKPT gym and you’d like to, or if you’ve got a friend or family member you’ve been trying to get through our doors since you started – send them to us! With a quick chat, we can arrange the best date and session time to come and train with you so they can feel the vibe for themselves.

If you’ve got a friend who has been dishing out excuses for years about why they can’t commit to exercising or the lifestyle changes just yet – THIS IS FOR YOU!

If you have a friend that has been giving you the side-eye because you look so DAMN good since you started training with SKPT, or you’ve got a friend you know would love to try something new – bring them in! We guarantee they’ll be thrilled to do it with you.

All you have to do to get your free gym pass is register using the contact form below or send us a message on any of our social media platforms where you’ll be asked to provide a few details so we know any health and safety issues and can give you the best experience when you attend your session.


No obligations, no commitment, just a chance to try something new.